We have a mouse. Well, I'm hoping it's a really big mouse and not, you know. Tonight I think he will die. I call him he because I want him to be male. I really do. A female would mean MORE. I actually like mice and rats... as pets. I'm weird that way. I also like snakes and lizards. I like little pets that stay in a pen. But, today I'm wishing I was a cat person. Wish me luck in the eradication of the little bugger.
In other news it's crackin' up to be a good month. We're making some progress in our house. I almost have an extra bedroom. That doesn't sound like a big deal, but I want to live like normal people. I don't want to be a non-hoarder, living in a hoarder's world. To that end, we have made leaps and bounds, but there is still a long way to go. I anticipate not being completely done until May. But that's okay. It's amazing what light at the end of one's tunnel can do for a disposition. Mine is definitely sunnier. Of course, I think that is a combination of this AND my new outlook resulting from our experiences at Burning Man this year.
Okay, I better be careful here. I'm going off on tangents. This is what happens when one doesn't write in their blog for a month. When they finally have something to say, they don't want to shut up.