Thursday, August 8, 2013

I Burn

When August rolls around, I seriously get twitchy thinking about all the burners heading to Black Rock City.  I know that someday I will be back.  I WANT to go back.  I DREAM of going back.  It’s just not possible yet.  I’m a second year burner who hasn’t made that second year yet.  One of the most transformative events in my life sticks to my brain and makes me dream of doing it again; of experiencing the feeling of freedom and love again – the one you just don’t feel in the real world.

I’m sure there are people who jack up their burn, maybe even jack it up for others, but the MAJORITY of them are there for the same reason.  To groove on the total amazing collective FREEDOM.  THAT IS WHO I WANT TO BE.  I want to say that is who I am, but the truth is it is who I want to be.  So I tell the truth.

Oh August, you bring me such pain and such hope and such longing for the playa.


to burn.

Monday, August 5, 2013

My Trust in Humanity is Bouncing Like a Ball

I’ve been feeling really angry.  I was involved in a very minor car accident in which I was rear ended.  The damage is very slight, but I want to get it fixed of course.  I have a fairly new car and there is no reason to drive around with it wrecked.  At the time of the accident, I exchanged information with the person who hit me.  He seemed nice – I’ve been fooled before – but he was right out of the gate apologizing and providing me with his info, so I figured “let’s just get this done and get out of here”.  We were in an unsafe place on the side of the freeway and I’ve waited for police before on an accident and it can take HOURS for someone to show up, so we went on our way.

I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me that this guy was going to be a lying pile of crap just like the last four people who caused accidents involving ME.  But, of course, he did in fact lie to his insurance company, who subsequently denied my claim.  My insurance company, of course, believes me so they denied his claim.  The next step is I have to get my car fixed and pay my $500 deductible so that they can go to arbitration to determine who is at fault.  If I lose there, then I will have to go to small claims court.  Of course, if someone is willing to commit insurance fraud, why would they worry about a little thing called perjury?  But I am not sitting back and taking this.  I’m going to fight with all I have because this A-hole is a morally repugnant bad hearted person and needs to be held accountable for his actions.  I’m not just talking about the accident.  I mean it was an accident.  It happens.  I was nice then and would have been all along if he hadn’t lied outright about what happened.

The point of this story is to give you ONE of the reasons why I’ve been so angry with people and society in general.  I’ve been feeling like people just have no heart or soul.  I do not claim to be special or amazingly God-like or anything, but I’m a good person and I try not to lie unless it’s a little white one to make someone feel better, you know?  In general, I think I’m a good person.  I’ve just been feeling lately like there aren’t many of us out there and it’s disheartening.

Something happened today that helped to give me my hope back.  Last week, I emailed my co-workers to let them know about our janitor’s wife who is suffering from cancer and chemo right now.  I told them I was going to put together a goody basket of comforting items to give her and said if anyone was interested in donating anything, I’d be appreciative.  I have to say that I was happily shocked as money has been pouring in all day.  Okay, I asked for gifts for a basket, but money… that works, too!  It’s just a wonderful feeling that these people who I probably don’t’ give enough credit would come forward like this for a stranger.  My heart is swollen today with pride in my co-workers.  Sometimes I accuse them of being cheap bastards, but today, today they showed me that many of them have huge hearts and THAT is a great feeling.