Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Bad Habit?

I want to "LIKE" everything.  The Facebook has conditioned me to want this.  It doesn't matter where I am on the Internet, but if I can't "LIKE" something I actually do like, I feel frustrated and let down.  The Stupid Facebook.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Once Again, People Disappoint Me!

And another month rolls by...   I truly love writing.  I mean, I love it so much that even my emails become unwieldy.  I could never tweet because I don't think enough characters would be allowed for how much I'd feel like I needed to say.  But with all of this, I'm averaging ONE POST PER MONTH here.  WHAT?

DAILY, I think about writing here and I actually write posts in my head, but there seems to be so little free time to just WRITE.  I'm usually so busy when I get on the computer.  So then I DO get here and what do I write about?  The fact that I'm not writing.

I know.

Makes no sense to me, either.

But, in addition to my confession of being a sucky blogger, I do have a BIT of a rant.

Why do people want so much to focus on the negative?  I guess it's good that I pretty much write this only for me and no one else reads it, because I think I would be a little crushed if 5000 people commented on something I wrote calling me a hypocrite and a loser and a bad mother (um, I'm not ACTUALLY a mom or anything), etc.  Yesterday, I read that "gone viral" post by a mom who was just doing a little post to her blog about some of the young girls her sons were connected to on the Facebook posting inappropriate selfies.  It was her way of talking about how she felt about this and then she posted pictures of her family at the beach, which meant they were in swim suits.  People FREAKED out.  Seriously, this lady did not write an article on how teenage girls were the downfall of humanity for USA Today or anything like that.  She simply wrote a post about her family and their values and basically a warning to these girls about how damaging posts like this can be for you and your relationships and your future.  I thought it was well written and made perfect sense and her family photos were fun and wholesome.  Yet people acted like she was the devil incarnate come here to TELL THEM HOW TO LIVE AND HOW TO THINK and how she was such a hypocrite because she posted photos of her family in bathing suits.

People.  Seriously.  STOP.

You people look and sound stupid.  It's a blog post by a mom.  Get over it and quit trying to find a reason to get all hateful and attack someone.  What is wrong with people's lives that they can't just live and let live.  If you don't like what the lady blogs about, DON'T READ IT!

We are so lucky to be a world made up of individuals with the ability to think independently and with the right to our own opinions.  Oh, do not get me wrong.  I JUDGE.  Oh yes, I do.  I acknowledge that I am judgmental about some things.  I definitely disagree with how some people live their lives or raise their children, but guess what.  I SUCK IT UP.  Even when it's my own family that does stupid shit.  Because taking care of ourselves is seriously hard enough.  It is not my job, nor should it be, to try to change others to my way of thinking.  I even get angry about things I think are inappropriate.  I might even comment on news articles with my opinions.

But, if this lady wants to raise her family in way that includes using the Internet together and talking about what their family feels is and is not appropriate, then by golly, go for it.  I actually find that quite refreshing in these days and times.  I can pretty much guarantee you that there is a lot she believes that I DO NOT.  This just happens to be something I agree with her on.  But, even if I don't agree, does that make it okay to swoop in and attack someone because they want to live their life and bring up their kids in a way I disagree with?  WTF?  I am going to go with a resounding "no".

So bizarre and hateful and that is what scares me.  Why do people immediately go on the offensive and feel attacked just because someone has a different opinion then them?  Some of my own friends were going off on this and I have to admit, it kind of changed my opinion of them, because while I admit to being judgmental myself at times, I would hope that I would not go on the attack like this. For the most part I feel like I have an EXTREMELY open mind and I know it is crazy to expect others to have the same, but there are some out there that I DO expect that of so when they don't, I can only think.. "WHO ARE YOU?" You know, as I think about it and as I write this I realize that while it's hard to do, these attackers have offended me.  Their behavior is offensive for several reasons.  First, why is their opinion more important than hers?  Second, they read paragraphs between the lines of her quite straightforward post... why would you have to LOOK for it to mean more than it does? Third, how is posting scathing or downright hateful comments make you a better person than this mom who just cares about her children and is raising her family the way SHE thinks is best?

I hope that she and her family use this as fodder for their family talks and not let it get to them.  I am SO happy that she has not taken down the post or the photos because there is nothing wrong or offensive with either and I applaud her.