I can't get on board on the diet thing.
Seriously, I'm SUPPOSED to because I am diabetic. But, I don't do what I'm supposed to do because pretty much I'm all loser-y that way. But, inside my head, I know exactly what things not to eat or to eat in moderation and what things I should be eating. The truth is everyone knows. You freaking know not to put that damn cupcake in your damn pie hole, but you're going to do it and then you're going to wonder why you're fat. Well, I'm here to tell you that I do not wonder why I'm fat... I KNOW WHY. I also know that because of what I know, I will not allow myself to be one of those 600 pound TV shows either. Actually, I've lost about 20 pounds in the last year somehow. Don't even care how. But none of this is my point, I'm losing focus here.
What I want to say is if you want to lose weight, all of these fad diets are stupid. Get your body moving and eat the right foods in the right increments and you will lose weight. If you don't, then you need to move more and eat less or the right stuff. Stop fooling yourself and going on about it and just do it.
For me, I'd like cuter outfits, but otherwise, I'm fine. I do want to be healthier and I consider that whenever I make a food choice, but the truth is I get most of my pleasure from my foodie nature and I don't want to give that pleasure up. Guess what, neither do you or you'd already have lost weight, so stop wasting time and money and jacking with your body and your health by doing these crazy diets. Make a choice and if that choice is to lose weight, do the right things and create healthy habits. And remember, you can eat pretty much whatever you want if you just make a point to exercise it away!
That's all I have to say about that.